I’m so excited to have you as A member of Unlost Dens.
We have a big vision and it’s awesome you want to join the journey, but we have to start somewhere, and as you’re here from the beginning, I welcome you to help shape the experience.
Your clarity, peace, focus, creativity and productivity in the Dens is my priority.
So if there's anything I can do to help make your experience the best it can be, I want to know about it.
For now though, enjoy your Unlost Time.
Kim x
You can book your sessions up to 12 weeks in advance.
You’re free to book them whenever you want during the 4 week period (including b2b sessions)
Unattended sessions still count as being used.
Sessions don’t carry over monthly.
Wellies in winter or when wet
Cup for tea/coffee
Milk for tea / coffee
Torch if arriving early/late in winter
Access is strictly between the hours of 7am and 7pm only.
Please park at the far end of the parking bay
Arriving early you might have to open the front gate (code:0000) you can leave the gates open in the morning.
If you leave after 5pm or, it looks like nobody else is still working at the Vinyard please close and lock front gates.
IMPORTANT: keep the gate to vine area closed at all times, and when leaving at the end of a day please lock it behind you (code: 12572)
Toilets are next to car parking
Please use the route marked by the red line to walk to the Den.
Be aware of the deep ditches and ponds marked with red X’s
IMPORTANT: keep the gate to vine area closed at all times, and when leaving at the end of a day please lock it behind you (code: 12572)
Den Keybox code: 2102
Video Guide
0:00 - Intro
0:09 - Opening up
0:45 - Power / Internet
1:47 - Desk / Music
2:46 - Deck / Doors / Ventilation
5:19 - Coffee / Water
8:59 - Post-It's / Pens
9:19 - Windows
9:53 - Locking up
Pease don’t use sharpies, use pens provided instead
Remember to lock the inside brass bolts for the horse doors before leaving
Turn off all lights and speakers ect. before leaving (you don’t need to turn off anything on the battery box)
Leave as clean as you found it.
When lighting a fire please wear gloves provided!
Even on the coldest days, you should only need 1-2 logs after initial lighting to warm up and stay toasty.
Please replace, logs, kindling and firelighters at the end of your session with the stock in black box outside
Help make the Dens and our community better by providing regular feedback and suggestions.
If you found the Den not 100% clean and working let us know when and what the problem was.
If you have any feedback or suggestions on how to improve any part the experience let us know.
If you have any other ideas on how we could do things better please let us know.